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网址  2023-05-10  作者:admin    阅读:

There are many methods for cable laying, and the following are some common ones:
Direct laying method: This method is suitable for situations where the laying distance is short and the cable density is high, and the cables can be directly laid together on the ground.
Cable shaft construction method: This method is suitable for situations where construction needs to be carried out indoors or underground, and cables need to be laid inside the shaft. The commonly used method is to divide the cables into fixed lengths, then lay fixed lengths of cables on the ground of the shaft, and then lay insulation and armor layers.
Cable tunnel construction method: This method is suitable for situations where long-distance construction needs to be carried out indoors or underground. Cable laying can be carried out by opening holes on the ground or on walls. Insulation and armor layers need to be laid inside the tunnel, as well as fire and waterproof treatment.
电缆沟施工法:这种方法适用于州苗木 保定通风管道 丝网立柱模具 尼龙输送带 保定防水 保定空压机 高碑店养老院需要铺设在地面上的情况,可以在地面上挖一个深沟,然后将电缆排列在沟内,再在沟底铺设绝缘层和铠装层。
Cable trench construction method: This method is suitable for situations that require laying on the ground. A deep trench can be dug on the ground, and the cables can be arranged in the trench, followed by laying insulation and armor layers at the bottom of the trench.
The above are some common methods for cable laying, and the specific method used depends on the specific construction conditions and requirements.
