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网址  2022-12-19  作者:admin    阅读:

Blocking measures shall be taken when cables are laid under the following conditions:
(1) 电缆穿越不同的防火分区;
(1) Cables passing through different fire zones;
(2) 电缆沿竖井垂直敷设穿越楼板处,超高层建筑应每层进行封堵,其他建筑可每隔2~3层进行封堵;
(2) Where the cable is laid vertically along the shaft and passes through the floor slab, each layer of super high-rise building shall be blocked, and other buildings can be blocked every 2-3 layers;
(3) 电缆隧道、电缆沟、电缆间的隔墙处;
(3) Cable tunnel, cable trench and partition between cables;
(4) 穿越耐火极限不小于1h的隔墙处;
(4) Passing through the partition wall with fire resistance limit not less than 1h;
(5) 穿越建筑物的外墙处;
(5) Crossing the outer wall of the building;
(6) 至建筑物入口处,或至配电间、控制室的沟道入口处;
(6) To the entrance of the building, or to the channel entrance of the power distribution room and control room;
(7) 电缆引至电气柜、盘或控制屏、台的开孔部位。
(7) The cable is led to the opening part of the electrical cabinet, panel or control panel and platform.
14. 电缆防火封堵,定网站建设  伺服液位仪  防撞墙模具 唐山护栏  钢纤维 天津除甲醛  保定铝型材可根据不同情况,分别采用防火胶泥、耐火隔板、填料阻火包、防火帽等方式方法。
14. According to different situations, fire-proof cement, fire-resistant partition, filler fire-retardant package, fire-proof cap and other methods can be used for fire-proof plugging of cables.
15. 电缆防火封堵的构成方式和方法,应满足按等效工程条件下标准试验的耐火极限。
15. The composition and method of cable fire blocking shall meet the fire resistance limit of standard test under equivalent engineering conditions.
